This is our project 2013 – 2014 :
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This is our project 2013 – 2014 :
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Konstruksi baja – Ketika kita mendengar mengenai konstruksi baja tentu anda akan langsung berpikiran dengan gedung-gedung pencakar langit seperti burj khalifah dan lainnya, pabrik-pabrik besar maupun jembatan. Membahas baja tentu berhubungan dengan ketahanan dan kekuatan yang tidak perlu di ragukan lagi dalam ability ketahanannya. Konstruksi baja yang terkenal kokoh ini tidak hanya unggul pada kekuatannya saja, namun juga pada ...
Read More »Renovasi rumah – Membeli rumah yang lama dan dibutuhkan perombakan lagi menjadi tampilan yang baru tentu bisa menarik bagi anda semua yang ingin menciptakan rumah impian anda, namun bagaimanakah cara untuk melakukannya merupakan tantangan tersendiri untuk melakukannya karena untuk setiap pekerjaan renovasi rumah bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk di lakukan dan anda di sini harus memperhatikan beberapa tips mudahnya. Apa sih Renovasi ...
Read More »Kontraktor baja – Di dunia konstruksi sekarang ini tentu sudah mulai banyak yang menggunakan bahan baja ringan, salah satu material paling utama dari dalam pembangunan struktur bangunan yaitu karena tidak lepas dari salah satu material baja. Dalam hal konstruksi tersebut tentunya akan membutuhkan kontraktor baja yang terpercaya. Baja ringan ini sendiri memiliki banyak di gunakan sebagai salah satu pengganti bahan kayu ...
Read More »Renovation services of factory, building, and houses – The development of industrial and property area is growing rapidly, every region is competing to improve the infrastructure to attract many investors to invest in their region. Especially for the JABOTABEK area, as the high demand for housing and many investors both local and overseas are investing in this region, it makes ...
Read More »Building construction services – By using our contractor, you do not have to bother anymore to arrange workers to build your dream house come true, with the experience of the all worker PT. Cruzindo Utama, you also do not have to worry about the budget that will increase. Cruzindo Utama is the best solution for you who want to have ...
Read More »Employee training – is closely related to employee performance. Therefore, an assessment is required to measure an employee’s performance and then employee training is conducted after the results of the assessment. Employee training is carried out with the objective that employees will gain knowledge, skills and skills in accordance with the demands of the work they do for the company. Proper ...
Read More »The meaning of safety helmet colors – before we discuss in detail of the meaning safety helmet colors. let’s discuss the history of the safety helmet. The initial use of safety helmets (helmet safety) was started by workers in the dock / shipyard. Before that safety helmet or safety helmet is created to usually protect their heads with dry asphalt ...
Read More »How to Improve Employee Discipline – When many entrepreneurs ask “how to improve the employees work discipline ?”, and no answer for the question for the entrepreneurs, But we will answer this question for you in this article. But Why you must improve the emplotyee Discipline ? and what the meaning of “Discipline” ? we will tell you why and ...
Read More »Here is the ambitious meikarta project – Lippo Group has announced its plan ambitious meikarta project to build a giant city that is claimed to be more beautiful than Jakarta, while the name of the giant city of Lippo claim is Meikarta which will be built on an area of 22 million m2. The Ambitious Meikarta Project According to James ...
Read More »Building Construction Services Cikarang Bekasi – Are you looking for a building contractor for a new plant, new property or other building that has experience in building property or factory? We, PT. Cruzindo Utama, are ready to assist you in realizing a sturdy building and has a design that suits your needs that can matched with your budget. By using ...
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