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Here is the Ambitious Meikarta Project Claimed Can Beat Jakarta

Here is the ambitious meikarta project – Lippo Group has announced its plan ambitious meikarta project to build a giant city that is claimed to be more beautiful than Jakarta, while the name of the giant city of Lippo claim is Meikarta which will be built on an area of ​​22 million m2.

The Ambitious Meikarta Project

Ambitious Meikarta Project

According to James Riyadi as CEO of Lippo Group in Jakarta, the first phase of development of this ambisious meikarta project city has been designed since 2014 and physical work has been done since January 2016 with the construction of skyscrapers as high as 35-46 floors. The location of this new city is located in the east of Jakarta and is surrounded by new areas such as Lippo Cikarang, Jababeka and MM2100 which is an industrial area with large international scale factory.

  1. Interview from CEO of lippo Group

in ambisious meikarta project – “This is our biggest project for 67 years since the establishment of the Lippo business group. The investment value of this project is Rp 278 trillion, the investment comes from internal company, loan, and pre-selling, as well as joint investment partnership with Mitsubishi, Toyota, and Sanko Soflan who have started the initial development ” explained James from interview before.

The CEO of ambisious meikarta project James Riyadi projecting this new city will be one of the most complete modern city at facilities or infrastructure in Southeast Asia. “This city has the potential to become the most important city in Indonesia in the rumor can to beat Jakarta. It is hoped that this city can be part of the solution of congestion, population density, and other social problems occur in Jakarta. “

the ambisious meikarta project just realised In December 2018 James Riyadi assured as many as fifty buildings are ready for occupancy. This ambitious project will also go on sale on May 13 2017 in Orange County, Lippo Cikarang. Through Meikarta, Lippo Group wants to utilize the national economic center in Jababeka area (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi) to Bandung.

According to James Riyadi, Based on Lippo Group data, approximately 60% of the national economy is located in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, and Bandung. Of these, 70% of the economic movement is in the center of Bekasi – Cikarang, with a population estimated to reach 15 million people in the next 20 years. ambitious meikarta porject

“Eventhouh the national economy is generally sluggish, we will commit to keep investing in infrastructure with the aim of creating jobs. Total absorption of employment for this project will reach a total of 65 thousand people, “said James Riyadi. ambitious meikarta porject

  1. The started of city with manny kindess in 

For the initial phase, the new city has started construction of 400 thousand housing units. Supply of the house will be able to accommodate more than 2 million residents. The initial phase is planned for completion within 3 years. Meikarta will be managed by adhering to the principles of vision, courage, solid management, speed and sound financial system. ambitious meikarta porject

Currently the price of property products around Bekasi – Cikarang corridor reaches Rp18 million to Rp20 million per square meter. But Lippo will offer its property products at a more affordable price of under Rp12, 5 million per meter, as well as mortgage or apartment ownership. ambitious meikarta porject

thanks for attention read this artikel, hope the articel information is can be know you all abaout this ambitious meikarta project jakarta.

Konten Menarik Lainnaya :  Building Construction Services Cikarang Bekasi - PT. Cruzindo Utama

Source: Translated from Media Indonesia (ambitious meikarta project).

harga borong bangunan

Tentunya untuk menentukan jasa borong bangunan terpercaya untuk pembangunan rumah anda menjadi suatu hal yang sangatlah penting, dimana kondisi dan juga dampak kedepan dari bangunan rumah anda di pengaruhi juga oleh kontraktor konstruksi yang akan mengerjakan pembangunan rumah anda. Oleh karena itulah kami PT. Cruzondo Utama jaya akan menyediakan jasa borong bangunan untuk anda semua dengan segala pengalaman kami dan juga  keberanian untuk bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan kami untuk membangun rumah anda.

Selain membangun rumah kami juga dapat membangun bangunan lain seperti gudang, pabrik, gedung, dan yang lainnya.

dan untuk beginilah kami PT. Cruzindo Utama Jaya yang juga menyediakan free jasa arsitek untuk setiap penggunaan jasa kontraktor bangunan, pembuatan rumah, dan juga renovasi rumah. lalu kenapa harus memilih jasa dari kami ?

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai ambitious meikarta project, untuk informasi selengkapnya beserta beberapa artikel yang mungkin anda sedang cari anda dapat menghubungi kami pada kontak di bawah ini :

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Blok APR-6 No. 023, Lambangsari, Tambun Selatan, Bekasi 17510
Telp. 021 – 29080106 Fax. 021 – 29080106,
Email: cruzindo_utama@yahoo.co.id  , FB: Cruzindo Utama

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